#61: Season 3, Episode 12 - "The King Sloppy"

When a duchess named Lady Jane comes to visit Sacramento as a foreign exchange student, the Stevens take her in for the week. Ren promises to show her all that America has to offer! Which by Ren-standards, is code for a boring as all hell historical tour of the city. Meanwhile, our main plot follows Louis and Twitty. They’re on a mission to chow down a freaking giant burger called The King Sloppy. If you’re able to eat the entire thing in 30 minutes, you get it for free – and your picture on the restaurants’ wall of fame. So, they concoct a scheme which includes a character “Mike Hegeman” who they both dress up as, hoping to get away with taking sneaky turns eating the burger. Spoiler: They don’t.

The episode opens with a big welcome ceremony at LJH for Lady Jane. Complete with a traditional style British marching band led by none other than Tom Gribalski — which is kinda perfect. Jane is rightfully embarrassed by all the “pomp and circumstance.” Because let’s be real. Anything led by Tom is bound to be over the top campy, lol. We find out that Ren as been assigned as Jane’s host for the week. Not surprising. Principal Wexler warns Ren that Louis better not be around to ruin their reputation and to make sure that Jane enjoys a rich and cultural American experience. Ren assures Wexler she has everything under control, and that Louis has been busy doing a research project anyway. Really? A research project?! Ya know somethin’s up.

Cut to Tex Nagita’s Burger Bonanza. The home of The King Sloppy. Oh yeah. Louis and Twitty are doing a research project, alright… Spending all of their time observing King Sloppy eaters. Taking notes on their form, pacing, and breathing. If they focused this hard on actual school assignments.. they would be A+ students, Ivy League college graduates, and eventual leaders of the free world. Shame. Come to think of it, WHY AREN’T THEY AT SCHOOL?! Judging from the opening scene, I’m pretty sure everyone else is at school…? Are they really skipping for this? Or is it just another flaky Season 3 attention to detail issue that no one bothered to think through? *Sigh.* Maybe this scene takes place after school? WHO KNOWS!

At dinner that night, the Stevens prepare a massive American Dinner for Jane. Which pretty much includes a notable piece of food from every single state. Wow. Later, Jane is walking by Louis’ room when she hears two people moaning in there. Okay. She’s intrigued for some reason, and walks up to his doorway. I personally would’ve walked on by and given them their… privacy… but. She catches Louis and Twitty “stretching out their stomach muscles” to make room for the burger. Louis, please. You are so much smarter than this, lol. God help me. You’ve probably seen gifs of this scene:

She laughs and they immediately stop, super embarrassed. Louis is like “Oh you’re the princess that’s staying with us…” And here we get the first of two good lines in this episode.
Jane: “I’m not a princess. My father’s a Duke.” 
Twitty: “It’s okay. I know how you feel. My dad can be like that too, sometimes.” 
I just realized we’ve never seen Twitty’s parents.

They show her a sweater they picked out for their Mike Hegeman get-up and ask for her opinion. She calls it “a rather daft looking jumper.” And Twitty’s like, “Uh, Louis. I don’t think Mike Hegeman’s gonna be seen wearing a daft jumper…?” The way AJ Trauth says this is great. Jane starts questioning them all super British like “Who’s this Mike Hegeman chap?!” They tell her that he’s a legend and an American hero (I’m dead) and that he’s gonna help them scarf down the King Sloppy. She’s still intrigued, asking “WHAT’S A KING SLOPPY?! Where does one find a King Sloppy?!” They give her all the deets.

Ren sees that Jane has been exposed to Louis and immediately runs to her rescue! She apologizes for his behavior and promises to show her what America is really all about! Cue the boring historical city tour montage filmed in front of a green screen (which is actually pretty funny, tbh)

Jane is obviously bored and asks if she can go back to the house and take a nap. Except, she lied!! She sneaks out and goes to Tex Nagita’s to see what all the hoopla is about.

We finally see Mike Hegeman. It’s Louis in the daft jumper with a fake wig, mustache and beard. Actually, I don’t know if he’s wearing a wig. Mike Hegeman’s hairstyle is almost exactly the same as his… just bigger. If he is wearing a wig, that seems completely unnecessary, lol. Just tease it out! Like, imagine putting a curly brown wig on a person with curly brown hair and tell me it doesn’t seem pointless. I don’t understand. I read into this stuff too much. It’s probably just to ensure that he and Twitty look exactly the same. Seeing as Twitty is dressed identical to him, obviously. They’ve got a bit of a walkie-talkie system going on to communicate. Twitty sneaks into the bathroom and waits for Louis to finish his half of the burger so they can make the switch.

Jane walks in and recognizes that good’ol daft jumper right away and goes to loudly and excitedly talk to Louis “Mike Hegeman” Stevens over there. He tells her she’s at a “7″ and gotta take it down to a “4.” She’s blowin’ his cover!! (There’s a bit where Wexler and Jane’s dad come to the house to visit during the time she’s “missing” and Beans entertains them while Ren searches for her. It’s annoying.)

Louis gets up to use his “one allotted restroom break” and make the switch with Twitty. (Shia is speaking in this casual southern accent btw, I love it.) But the security guard says the rules are he has to go to the bathroom with him. Ummm, aside from that being slightly disturbing – After all their research, you’d think they would’ve known this little piece of vital information. Obviously, the switch ain’t gonna fly anymore. Or as Louis puts it, whispering into the walkie: “The slopski’s hit the fanski.” I’m cryin. Here, we get another good quote. I’ve actually used this one before, haha:
Louis: “You know what I just realized? That.. My bladder’s only half full. Or, uh.. half empty. Depending on how ya look at life.”
Right about now, Jane decides to order her own King Sloppy because she’s “desperate for a giggle” and wants to have fun. Everyone’s distracted for a few seconds because they make it into some big celebration whenever someone puts an order in for a Sloppy. Louis and Twitty take this opportunity to crawl around and make the switch! Buuuut, the security guard sees and tells the owner. It’s so interesting to see Twitty’s portrayal of Mike here for a second, because it’s so different from Louis’. No offense to AJ, but all it does is highlight how great Shia really is. They end up getting caught in the act of what the owner calls a “Twofer” a.k.a “Two-for-one” scam. The oldest con in the over-sized burger business, lol. (See first image of the post.) They’re told “Mike Hegeman, meet Mike Hegeman” Louis still tries to play it off by shouting “…MY LONG LOST TWIN BROTHER WITH THE SAME EXACT NAME!!!” - I laughed.

Ren arrives at the restaurant looking for Jane and is shocked to see her chowin’ down a King Sloppy. Jane’s having a blast, though. I don’t blame her. She spends all her time being prim and proper and never gets to do anything remotely like this.

Suddenly, Jane’s dad and Wexler arrive! Oh, no!! The Duke is appalled to see Jane acting in such a barbaric way and scoffs at the idea of this being a cultural American experience. But Jane stands up for herself and just continues eating, lol. Ren also takes a stand and explains that part of what makes the country great is doing unhealthy stuff like eating a heart attack on a bun and not giving a crap about your arteries! While Ren is giving this speech, Tom and the band appear out of nowhere playing “America The Beautiful,” omg. This scene paints a pretty accurate picture of America, sadly. The Duke is fine with it now. Saying that if Jane’s happy, he’s happy.

And guess what? JANE FINISHES THE KING SLOPPY AND GET’S HER PHOTO ON THE WALL! This actually makes me happy.

I wonder who the other people on the wall are. My guess is that they’re probably crew members, tbh. Which is kinda cool. But, if they aren’t… wow, imagine being cast as “king sloppy eater on photo wall #3.” I’d feel as if my career hit a new low. Actually, the guy on the far left oddly looks like Bruce Macintosh of San Leandro from The Princess Diaries to me.
Louis and Twitty are kinda living vicariously through her at this point, so they’re at least happy that someone got to accomplish their goal. They’re not off the hook, though. The episode ends with them mopping up Tex Nagita’s at closing time, since they couldn’t afford the $75 unfinished burger. The end!

I was never too fond of this episode. The introduction of a duchess coming to Lawrence was always a lil too much for me. Which is part of what I mean when I say that Season 3 has a lot of random plots that make it difficult for me to really get into. I also can’t handle watching Louis devour that nasty giant burger like a caveman (no pun intended), with his disgusting fake mustache caught in it. *gags*

This is probably a false and sexist generalization… but, something tells me this episode most likely appealed more to the young male audience of the show. Correct me if I’m wrong.
That being said, I do like the few quotes I mentioned. And, sure. Louis and Twitty have pulled plenty of ridiculous, kinda unrealistic schemes… But, there’s just something about this one that doesn’t cut it. Always fell into the category of “off” and forgettable episodes for me.

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